Male - Female - Coton de Tulear Puppies for Sale

Adult Coton de Tulears of Cathy's Coton Cuties

The adults in our breeding program come from show breeders from around the world.  We have dogs from the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Spain, and Hungary.  All of our adult dogs are DNA tested before they are allowed in our breeding program.  We also do OFA heart and patella testing with our dogs. On this page you will see the adult dogs in our breeding program.  Some of these dogs live with us (Cathy & Mike) and some live with our partner breeders.  


Mike and Cathy's Female Adult Coton de Tulears

Below are pictures and descriptions of the Coton de Tulears that reside with Mike & Cathy Lowdermilk

Carbonebianco Tanita - Hannah

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy Hannah is a tri-color Coton de Tulear.  She and her sister, Haylie came from a show breeder in Hungary.  She is my "heart dog".  She follows me everywhere I go.  Hannah has a gentle, sweet personality.  


Oneida of CCC - Oneida

Love a Coton de Tulear PuppyOneida is a tri-color Coton de Tulear.  Oneida came from our own Luna, who was out of Kiwi, a dog we imported from the Czech Republic years ago.  She is a happy-go-lucky dog who loves to snuggle.


Kaley of CCC - Kaley

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy Kaley is a tri-color Coton de Tulear.  Kaley is a product of our kennel.  We had her mother (Indi) and her grandmother (Jazz).  It is such a wonderful line that when it is time to retire a dog, we keep a puppy from her to maintain this line in our kennel.  Kaley is a super affectionate dog.  She does not go in or out of a room without stopping for a hug and kiss.  


Olivette of CCC - Olivette

Love a Coton de Tulear PuppyOlivette is a tri-color Coton de Tulear. Olivette is a product of our kennel.  Olivette has a special place in our hearts as she is out of our own Haylie, who sadly passed away due to complications during a spay procedure.  She's a joyful additional to our Coton family.


Piper of CCC - Piper

Piper is a tri-color female Coton de Tulear. Her mom was our very own Ivy, who has given us many beautiful puppies. When she had her final litter, we decided to keep little Piper to continue this beautiful line. Piper is a playful pup who loves toys.

Lyric of CCC - Lyric

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy Lyric is a tri-color Coton de Tulear.  She is a product of our own kennel.  She is out of Haylie and Teddy.  Teddy belongs to Liliana, a breeding partner of ours who moved to Romania in November 2021. She has her mother's endearing personality and has woven her way into our heart.  She is especially connected with Mike.  Lyric was a COVID puppy and formed quite an attachment to Mike during the shut down while Mike was home all the time.  She would follow him around the yard at night as he did his evening chores.   


Milly Meadow of EEC – Milly

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy Milly is a classic all white Coton de Tulear. Milly came to us from my previous breeding partner, Liliana.  I couldn't resister bringing her home.  She is the quietest Coton in our pack.  She is such a gentle, sweet girl.  Everyone who visits our Cotons loves Milly and wants to take her home.


Maya Mae of EEC - Maya Mae

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy Maya Mae is a strong tri-color Coton de Tulear.  Maya and Milly are sister from consecutive breedings.  I thought she was so adorable that I decided to bring her home. She is a bouncy, joyful dog that brings a lot of joy and laughter to our home. 


Molly Moo of EEC - Molly

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy Molly is a rare black & white Coton de Tulear.  She is a product of our kennel.  Her grandmother was our own Inca.  Our breeding partner, Liliana owned her mother, Sophie.  Molly exudes love and joy.  She loves to chew the ears of the other dogs - ugh!  She also loves to give kisses, and kisses and kisses.  We cannot imagine our kennel without Molly!


Carbonebianco Monet - Monet

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy Monet is a strong tri-color Coton de Tulear.  Monet came to us from the same show breeder in Hungary where we got Haylie and Hannah.  Monet has a sweet personality that fits right in with the rest of our pack.  We are so excited to have another Carbonebianco puppy in our kennel. 


Megan's Female Adult Coton de Tulears

Below are pictures and descriptions of the Coton de Tulears that reside with our daughter, Megan Chacon.

Osa of CCC - Osa

Love a Coton de Tulear PuppyOsa is a classic all white female Coton de Tulear. Her mother was our very own Ireland. Osa has a sweet, gentle personality. Osa can be a bit timid. She is the family "princess". She is smart and learns quickly. She has a funny little way of greeting us that almost sounds like a cat purring.

Octavia of CCC - Octavia

Octavia is a tri-color female Coton de Tulear. Her mother is our very own Ivy. Octavia is a rambuncious, playful dog. She is also very sweet and cuddly. She "talks" to us in the morning as if she's saying "Hi!" She is very smart and picks up daily routines quickly.


Dianne's Female Adult Coton de Tulears

Below are pictures and descriptions of the Coton de Tulears that reside with our friend, Dianne Pardinas.

China of CCC - China

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

China is out of our own Delta, who was imported from a show breeder in the Czech Republic and Fabien, imported from one of the most renown show kennels in Spain. Delta and Fabien are now retired but their beauty lives on in China.  Here's what Dianne says about China.

My Miss China Jewel is just that! She is such a jewel in my home and heart! Sometimes when China senses I’m tired or anxious, I find her on my  lap with her head on my chest gazing at me! Cotons are known as antidepressant dogs and she is the best I’ve ever had! I just love snuggling with her! All of her beautiful puppies have been smaller and just as gentle and loving. She is definitely my “Velcro” “heart dog!” I love her so much!

Coton Cottage Angel - Angel

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

Angel is a tri-color Coton. She comes from Coton Cottage in Arizona.


Coton Cottage Gabby - Gabby

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

Gabby is a tri-color Coton. She comes from Coton Cottage in Arizona.


Poppy of CCC - Poppy

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

Poppy is a rare black & white Coton. She is out of our own China & Noki.



Tim & Kari's Female Adult Coton de Tulears

Below are pictures and descriptions of the Coton de Tulears that reside with our friends (and pastors) Tim & Kari Thompson.

Sandy of CCC - Sandy

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

Meet Sandy (aka little lion)!
She is our most laid back darling.
Sandy is the princess of the home and shows no sense of urgency. The world runs at her pace-nice and easy!! Her favorite thing is to be right in our lap and snuggling.
Sandy is a product of our own kennels. She is out of Dianne's China and Cathy's Fabien. She is small like her mama. She is a beautiful, sweet girl. 

Pepper of CCC - Pepper

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

Meet Pepper (aka Peppa Pig)!
She is the alpha of our home. Pepper loves to keep everyone in line and keeps all the toys organized in their rightful spots.
She is a love bug & very playful! She likes to give kisses and snuggles and then off she goes to make sure everything is the way she likes it!

Pepper is a rare black and white Coton.  She is out of Cathy's Haven and Kojo. 


Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

Meet Sadie!
Sadie is such a loyal, loving, and gentle soul. One of the sweetest things about her is how she nestles her head against our chest whenever we pick her up, staying there like she’s soaking up every bit of love. She’s a natural mom, always nurturing and eager to teach, earning her the playful nickname of "homeschool mom" because she insists on doing everything herself. Sadie loves running in the grass, sunbathing on the pavers, and enjoying life with her mom, Foxy. She’s the heart of our home, constantly bringing joy and smiles.  


Darla of ECC - Darla

Love a Coton de Tulear Puppy

 Meet Darla!
Darla (aka La La Lou) who is a bundle of joy and full of expression! She loves to be at the center of all that the family is doing and wakes up ready to go for another adventure each day! She loves to snuggle and take care of her sisters and gives lots of kisses!

Darla is a classic all white Coton.  She is out of Liliana's Kara & Teddy. She is one of the biggest girls in our kennel.


Ben & Kara's Female Adult Coton de Tulears

Below are pictures and descriptions of the Coton de Tulears that reside with our friends Ben & Kara Diaz. 

Lacey of EEC - Lacey

Love a Coton de Tulear PuppyLacey is out of our partner breeder, Lillian's, Vivian & Teddy. She was born in Romania and arrived in the US at the age of 4 months. She is a littermate to our male, Nicodemus. Lacey a such a sweet dog. She loves people, snuggles, playing fetch and absolutely loves her sister Bailey! She is fun-loving and has a funny personality. When she wants something she till her head to the side and just looks at you with the cutest face.  She is extremely smart and has a big personality. Our house is full of kids all day long. She plays well with kids and so gentle with toddlers. 

Bailey of CCC - Bailey

Love a Coton de Tulear PuppyBailey is out of our own China and Kojo. She is a bundle of joy!  She is curious and interested in everything going on around her. With people in and out of the house all day long, Bailey greets people without hesitation. 


Ben Arany's Female Adult Coton de Tulears

Below are pictures and descriptions of the female Coton de Tulears that reside with our friend Ben Arany.

Love a Coton de Tulear PuppyDaisy is a rare black & white female Coton de Tulear. She comes from the lines of Cathy's Coton Cuties. Daisy is a very vibrant dog with lots of energy. And she never seems to run out of it! She spends her days mostly prancing around the yard and playing catch. She also is a fast learner and loves to learn new tricks! Just make sure treats are involved…

Love a Coton de Tulear PuppyFiji is a rare black & white female Coton de Tulear. She comes from the lines of Cathy's Coton Cuties. Fiji is a really lively, sweet, and laidback dog. She loves to run around, play outside, taking the occasional dip in the pool, and give lots of kisses! However, one of her most favorite things to be doing is sitting in our laps and getting head scratches.


Adult Male Coton de Tulears of Cathy's Coton Cuties

Below are pictures and descriptions of the studs in our breeding program.

Napoleon of EEC - Nicky

My previous breeding partner, Lilianna, moved back to Romania in November of 2021, taking with her 6 of her breeding Cotons.  When she arrived home, she discovered that her mon allowed a couple of her girls to breed.  She sent those puppies to me so I could find good homes for them.  When we saw Napoleon, we knew he just had to stay with us and be a member of the pack.  Although his registered name is Napoleon, we renamed him Nicodemus and call him Nicky. He is living with my friend, Ruth Scally. Ruth works for us 3-4 days per week and, of course, brings Nicky with her so he can run and play with the rest of the pack. We all adore his sweet, playful personality. He has proven to be a great addition, as he is giving us beautiful puppies!

Nuka Mufasa of Downing Street - Mufasa

It took longer than expected, but our little Mufasa became a part of our Coton family on April 6, 2022.  We acquired him from our breeder friend, Paige, at Cotons of Downing Street in Florida. We were excepting him in 2021 and had chosen the name Mufasa since it was the "M" year. I just couldn't let go of that name so I added Nuka in front of it (also a Lion King character) and we call him Mufasa. He is a gorgeous tri-color with a fabulous, thick coat.  It has a great personality.  As a puppy he loved to get into the water dish and empty the water onto the floor.  Thankfully, he seems to have outgrown that annoying habit. He loves to play and keeps us laughing.  He runs around with his Treatster bone throughout the day, relaxing in the grass outside from time to time to chew on it . Then when he's had his fill of playtime, he's ready to snuggle up next to one of us.  He's perfect!   

Noki of CCC - Noki

Noki is a gorgeous black & white male Coton out of Kiwi's final litter before she retired from breeding.  We bred her to our black & white male, Kojo and when we saw Noki we knew we had to keep him! Kojo has retired and moved to a pet home so Noki is our resident black & white stud. We are excited to keep this line going through this amazing little boy. Noki is a spunky, funny boy! He chases his tail and dances on his hind legs. Like all our Cotons, he loves to be held and freely gives kisses.

Apply to Purchase a Coton de Tulear Puppy!